According to the article 13 of the Legislative Decree 196\03, we inform that the staff of SKY SERVICES S.P.A has been given a draft of the customers, suppliers, partners and of the subjects that have voluntarily communicated their personal data to our offices either in person and/or through modules, telephone, fax or email. According to the mentioned law (ref. Art. 2 – Purpose), the Holder of the treatment guarantees that the handling of the personal data is carried out in the respect of the rights and freedoms, let alone of the dignity of the person interested, with particular reference to the confidentiality, the personal identity and the right to the protection of the personal data.
Treatment of the personal data
All the data communicated to this company, is treated to fulfil the company’s economic activity, such as the supply of products and services, requests and more specifically:
• for the insertion of the personal data in the company’s database;
• for the emission of transportation documents, invoices and credit notes;
• for the emission of estimates and promotional offers to existing or potential customers;
• for the emission of offer requests to existing or potential suppliers;
• to keep track of the accounting and V.A.T.;
• for the management of incoming and outgoing payments;
• for sending technical and/or commercial information related to existing or potential customers;
• for the elaboration of internal statistics which aim to measure the degree of satisfaction of the customers regarding the quality of the services and the products offered in order to be more orientated towards customer needs;
• for the exchange of data inherent to the company’s economic, administrative and trade activities, via telephone, mail, courier, fax or email;
• in order to fulfil to any type of obligation foreseen by laws or enforced regulations, communitarian norms, therein included in the fiscal field.
Communication and diffusion of the data
The personal data that the customers, the suppliers and collaborators have voluntarily provided to our offices, will not be in any way diffused.
The personal data of the person involved, in case it were necessary, can be communicated, to:
• all the subjects whose access is recognized by the normative measures;
• our partners, employees, agents and suppliers, within the relative duties and/or of eventual contractual obligations with them, inherent to the commercial relationships with the person involved;
• the post offices, shippers and couriers for the shipment of documentation and/or material;
• all those private or public subjects and/or, physical and/or legal persons (legal advice offices, administrative and fiscal offices, Judicial offices Chambers of Commerce etc..), in case the communication is necessary or functional towards the development of our activity;
• banking institutes for the management of the incoming payments deriving from the execution of contracts.
In these cases, only the essential data will be communicated.
Nature of the collection and consequences of an eventual missed conferment
The conferment of one’s own personal data, from the subjects that intend to open a commercial relationship with our company, even if just informative about our services/activities. It remains an option, but the eventual missed conferment could bring to a braking of the relationship, its development and the eventual implementations of the law, also fiscal. The data is kept in the operations office of the company, as foressen by the civil and fiscal norms.
The modalities of the treatment
The treatment of the personal data takes place using both hard copy and technological supports taking the precaution measures needed to ensure the security and privacy. The data will be kept and protected in secure areas.
Holder of the Treatment of the personal data
The Holder of the treatment of the personal data is SKY SERVICES S.P.A, VIA GUANTAI NUOVI N 16, 80133 NAPOLI (NA)
The staff of SKY SERVICES S.P.A is authorized to handle the data.
To further guarantee our customers, it is made clear to the staff of SKY SERVICES S.P.A that it is prohibited to ask for autographs, pictures and videos.
Direct access to the personal data
The person involved has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence of personal data regarding him/her, even if not registered.
The person involved has the right to obtain information:
• of the origin of the personal data, the purposes and modality of the treatment;
• of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic devices;
• of the information used to identify the holder, of the people in charge and the designated representative according to of article 5, comma 2;
• of the subjects or categories of subjects to which the personal data can be communicated to or that they can find this information being the representative of State, of people in charge.
The person involved has the right to obtain:
• the updating and the rectification that is the integration of the data;
• the cancellation or the transformation of the data handled when violating the law, including those which are not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data has been collected or dealt with.
The person involved has the right to oppose, in all or partially:
for legitimate reasons to the treatment of the personal data that regard him/her, nonetheless pertinent to the scope of the collection;
to the treatment of personal data regarding him/her for the sending of commercial information or of direct sales or for market researches or commercial communications.
The rights mentioned above, that can be exercised with an informal request to the holder, or one of the people in charge, even through a representative.
The request made to the holder or the responsible could be transmitted also by letter, fax or e-mail.
To the ends of the implementation of D.Lgs 196 of 2003. , the sending of the present module will be appreciated, after taken vision of the informative and the consent to the treatment of the personal data, excluding the cases foreseen by the law.