The purpose of the course is to train pilots for the purpose of obtaining the certificate
of instructor FI(A) for the level of competence required to teach a candidate for a pilot licence.


The instructor candidate, who requests admission to the FI course, must meet certain requirements as established by the current regulation following requirements:

• have received at least 10 hours of instrumental flight instruction on airplane, of which no more than 5 can have been carried out on an FSTD;
• have completed 20 hours of VFR cross country navigation as PIC;
• be at least the holder of a CPL (A); or be at least holder of a PPL (A) and:
– have fulfilled the requirements for the CPL theoretical instruction; and
– have completed at least 200 hours of flight time on airplanes or TMG, of which 150 as PIC;
• have completed at least 30 hours on SEP airplanes of which at least 5 must be made during the 6 months prior to the preliminary flight test specified in part FCL.930.FI.a);
• having performed a VFR navigation flight as PIC of at least 540 km (300 NM) during which they are completed landings at two airports different;
• Applicants for an FI (A) certificate must have passed a specific preliminary flight test with a FI qualified according to part FCL.905.FI.i), within 6 months prior to the beginning of the course, to evaluate the their ability to attend the course. This preliminary flight test must be based on proficiency checks for class and type ratings as specified in Appendix 9 part – FCL.

On average 6 to 8 months.

• 25 hours of classroom – of Teaching & Learning
• 100 briefing hours

• 30 hrs flight training
